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Jonathan Kelly
Jonathan Kelly

Settlers 2 10Th Anniversary Manual

An important game mechanic is the construction of a road network so as to allow for an efficient transportation system, as any settlers transporting goods must use roads.[19] To build a road, the player must place a flag, select the "build road" option, and then select where they wish the road to end. The computer will then automatically find the best route between the two and build the road, although the player is also free to build the road manually.[7] To maximize distribution, the player must set as many flags as possible on each road. Flags can only be set a certain distance apart, and serve as transport hubs; a settler will carry an item to a flag and set it down, at which point the next settler along will pick up the item and continue, freeing the first settler to return and pick up another item at the previous flag.[7] The more flags the player has, the more settlers will operate on a given road, cutting down the distance each settler must travel, and reducing the time to transport one item and return for the next, thus avoiding item congestion at each flag.[18][19] When more than one item is placed at a flag, the game has an adjustable goods priority system, which determines the order in which items are transported.[18] Players can also build shipyards, which allow for the manufacture of rafts (can transport goods over small stretches of water), and ships (can transport goods across oceans).[17][20]

Settlers 2 10Th Anniversary Manual

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The player's territory can only be expanded by building a military complex near the territory border. Each complex must have at least one soldier garrisoned for the territory to expand.[18][24] Soldiers are automatically created from the pool of existing settlers in the headquarters, with each individual soldier requiring a sword, shield, and one unit of beer.[24] Once soldiers are garrisoned, gold coins can be transported to the building to increase their rank.[24] The player can also build lookout towers, which can see for great distances, but don't grant new territory.[22] A new feature of the gameplay in 10th Anniversary is that military buildings can be upgraded; for example, a barracks can be replaced by a guard house without having to demolish the barracks and then build the guard house.[25][26]

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the CATAN Mobile, which rolled on Germany's streets fully loaded with games for young and old, the popular mobile was immortalized on the new special card for all fans of the bright red school bus, the photo of which served as a template.

An important game mechanic is the construction of a road network so as to allow for an efficient transportation system, as any settlers transporting goods must use roads.[25][26] To build a road, the player must place a flag, and then manually build the road using a series of on-screen prompts advising as to the best direction in which to build.[27] To maximize distribution, the player must set as many flags as possible on each road. Flags can only be set a certain distance apart, and serve as transport hubs; a settler will carry an item to a flag and set it down, at which point the next settler along will pick up the item and continue, freeing the first settler to return and pick up another item at the previous flag.[28][29] The more flags the player has, the more settlers will operate on a given road, cutting down the distance each settler must travel, and reducing the time to transport one item and return for the next, thus avoiding item congestion at each flag.[22][27] When more than one item is placed at a flag, the game has an adjustable goods priority system, which determines the order in which items are transported.[30][31] Waterways can also be constructed over small bodies of water in the same manner as roads, although the settlers need boats to cross.[27]

The third and fourth game take a different approach. While the basic principles remain the same, roads are no longer placed manually, now appearing on any path settlers frequently use and speeding them up. Maps are no longer tile-based, allowing for more precise placement of buildings. Additionally, soldiers and specialists can be moved freely and emphasis is shifted from individual soldiers fighting duels to skirmishes and battles between larger armies. 041b061a72


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