Total Uninstall Pro 6.3.4 PORTABLE Download
Total Uninstall Pro 6.3.4 PORTABLE download
Total Uninstall Pro is a powerful and comprehensive uninstaller that can remove any program from your computer, including registry entries and leftover files. It can also monitor the changes made by new installations and create a log with installation changes. This way, you can easily revert the changes or uninstall the program completely.
If you are looking for a portable version of Total Uninstall Pro, you can download it from the following link. The portable version package is available only after purchasing the technician license, which allows you to use the program on multiple computers without installation. The portable version can be extracted on an USB memory stick and run from there.
The portable version of Total Uninstall Pro has the same features and functionality as the desktop version, but it does not require administrative privileges to run. You can use it to uninstall any program from any computer, as well as to monitor new installations and create logs. You can also customize the program settings by editing the tu.ini file.
To use the portable version of Total Uninstall Pro, you need to follow these steps:
Extract the archive content on an USB memory stick.
Edit the tu.ini file with your options. You can use system environment variables for the computer data location.
At the first run, you must register the program with the received key.
Start the program running the tu.exe. The tu64.exe executable will take control automatically on a 64 bit system.
The technician license is linked to the USB memory stick. If the memory stick is damaged or lost, you can transfer the license to a new stick from your online account. The license allows two USB memory sticks to be registered with the same key at the same time. The registration key can also be used to register the desktop version of the program.
If you want to learn more about Total Uninstall Pro and its features, you can visit its official website or read some reviews. Total Uninstall Pro is a reliable and efficient uninstaller that can help you keep your computer clean and optimized.